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To: Red Badger
Perez, however, said he only did it because there were so many orders piling up and he was too busy to go to the restroom. He added that he was going to dispose of the bottle but forgot
Now I’ve heard everything.
2 posted on
05/01/2018 12:26:23 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
...”the water she kept in a bottle at work had tasted like urine” would she know what that tastes like? I would see a little yellow tinge and move away from the bottle.
3 posted on
05/01/2018 12:26:41 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
Perkins Cake and Steak is still around? A blast from the past.
5 posted on
05/01/2018 12:30:18 PM PDT by
(You cannot invade the mainland US. There'd be a rifle behind every blade of grass.)
To: Red Badger
"I thought it had a little 'wang' to it."
6 posted on
05/01/2018 12:31:58 PM PDT by
(Is the /sarc tag really necessary?)
To: Red Badger
7 posted on
05/01/2018 12:32:08 PM PDT by
(...the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light...)
To: Red Badger
Wow, a white man did this!
I know, I know, but that will be how it’s going to be reported.
8 posted on
05/01/2018 12:32:17 PM PDT by
( The Great Wall of Trump ---- 100% sealing of the border. Coming soon.)
To: Red Badger
Conrrado Cruz Perez allegedly polluted the womans water bottle after she turned down his romantic advancesDiversity and multiculturalism in action.
9 posted on
05/01/2018 12:32:28 PM PDT by
("law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual")
To: Red Badger
11 posted on
05/01/2018 12:32:37 PM PDT by
Hillarys Gate Cult
(When words can mean anything, they can also mean nothing.)
To: Red Badger
he only did it because there were so many orders piling up and he was too busy to go to the restroom. He added that he was going to dispose of the bottle but forgot to do so FIFTEEN TIMES he was going to dispose of it but forgot to do so.
13 posted on
05/01/2018 12:33:25 PM PDT by
(And the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, ax and saw)
To: Red Badger
14 posted on
05/01/2018 12:34:12 PM PDT by
( The Great Wall of Trump ---- 100% sealing of the border. Coming soon.)
To: Red Badger
“...for several months, the water she kept in a bottle at work had tasted like urine...”
Is she blonde?
“Well...he’d hand me the bottle and say “Here’s your’n”. I thought he might be from the South, and didn’t want to hurt his feelings by correcting his speach.”
15 posted on
05/01/2018 12:34:24 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
He also said that what she thought was him urinating in her boot was actually rainfall.
16 posted on
05/01/2018 12:34:29 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
19 posted on
05/01/2018 12:35:15 PM PDT by
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
To: Red Badger
“His next court date is March 28”. So what happened?
“She noticed a foul smell in her water bottle at least 15 times.”
Yet, she kept bringing a personal water bottle to her work site, leaving her personal water bottle accessible to anybody, and drinking the contents over and over and over? Okay.
To: Red Badger
Part of his sentence should include having the shit kicked out of him.
23 posted on
05/01/2018 12:40:43 PM PDT by
(government=overfunded stupidity.)
To: Red Badger
To: Red Badger
Which Perkins is this? Want to be sure I don’t eat there. Heavy charges should be pressed against him.
25 posted on
05/01/2018 12:42:07 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
Since that day, she said that she detected the urine taste roughly 15 times. sounds like a scene from The Simpsons.
Homer: Hmmm, this tastes like urine. Oh well, what are you gonna do about it? (drinks deeply)
27 posted on
05/01/2018 12:43:06 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
Gandhi used to drink his own pee.
29 posted on
05/01/2018 12:46:17 PM PDT by
Cowboy Bob
("Other People's Money" = The life blood of Liberalism)
To: Red Badger
2 things- who knows what pee tastes like? and 2) if you think you are drinking pee flavored anything, why continue?
wth is wrong with people? and of course, don’t pee in other peoples stuff, 3 things.
32 posted on
05/01/2018 12:47:25 PM PDT by
( I wonder what his FR handle is??)
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