We rarely do b & m anymore, even for shoes and clothes. With b & m, youre limited to whatever they happen to have on display at that moment. Retailers want a lot of money for shipping.
I will buy my better clothes from online retailers because I can always make the minimum to get free shipping, unfortunately.
But, everything else comes from amazon. I just ordered freakin hand towels, they have a better selection than stores.
So, yeah. Well suck it up and pay for Prime again. Theyve got us.
I save a ton on gasoline and don’t have to worry about crashing into an ILLEGAL alien on the drive over or get caught in a mass shooting at the mall.
Prime saves me money, time, and is safer than going to a B&M store with a limited inventory and bad customer service.
Not a fan of Bezos and the degenerate scumbags he subsidizes at the WP, but business is business.
Wouldn’t mind seeing him forced to sell off the WP though.