You sound like one of the 4 Yorkshiremen, lol!
I don’t know when less than a hundred dollars a week, in NYC, paid the rent, utilities and food. Perhaps in the earlier part of the 20th Century but certainly not in the 70s. It didn’t even pay for my commute. But it taught me how to work with a**holes!
“I dont know when less than a hundred dollars a week, in NYC, paid the rent, utilities and food.”
I can’t speak for New York but in the Carolinas in the fifties a hundred a week was living “high on the hog”. By the seventies there was no longer any real money in circulation so prices were already far higher than in the fifties. By the way, in 1950 you could buy a new Ford for less than twelve hundred, the top of the line model was just over fourteen hundred. You need to make that much in a week to live somewhat comfortably now, even in South Carolina. You need double that a week to have anything to boast about.
$100 a week, take home pay ( after taxes ) didn’t pay for rent, electricity, phone, and food in the 1960s! And I should first apartment, in the mid ‘60s, was $135 a month for a one bedroom! Throw in food/groceries, insurance, travel, laundry, clothes, etc.; not to mention savings ( I’ve ALWAYS had a savings account...from childhood onwards ) and I’d never have been able to live where I did, pay my bills, and saving anything would have been a pipedream.