Not sure if that was the plan but Armenia is not being mentioned, at least on Fox News. Have it on in the background as I'm catching up here. In the last two hours it's been Van in Toranto/Arrest of Waffle House Shooter/Pompeo Confirmation. No mention of Armenia?
"This is a time when this community should come together," Toronto Mayor John Tory said at an afternoon press conference. "I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate."
The crash unfolded as Cabinet ministers from the G7 countries were gathered in Toronto to discuss a range of international issues in the run-up to the G7 meeting near Quebec City in June.
Speaking at the event on Monday, Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed "sadness and tremendous sympathy for the victims of this incident."