Word on the web from what I am gathering from others on the web about the Syrian Air Strike.
1) The United State with Russia and Syria actually hit McCain’s Jihadists who did the False Flag.
2) What you are seeing in the news is kabuki theater.
3) This is why the Russians are not responding.
4) See Qanon’s post number #1146 too https://qanon.pub
I have been unable to confirm this either way at this point. I hope this is what really happened.
I have a hard time believing Mattis and company would go on national news and lie for the amount of time they were on last night.
Now as for who carried out the chem attack, I doubt we will ever be told the truth.
Russians knew about the strike and backed off for a reason. The reason is DJT.
At least that is my take which is worth what it is.... about 2 cents I figure. :-)
I had considered we were doing the Russians a favor as they had no control over those making the chemicals, but had not considered that Assad was in the same boat. (That he too had no control over them). Another possibility to consider. Hmmmmm? Tribalism?