I wouldn’t say that black people can’t swim, I taught swimming for years through high school and college. While it’s true that far too many never learn and quite a few have issues with getting their hair wet, I never had a black student who didn’t learn to swim. Floating was another matter though, unless they were heavier. Low body fat means floating is difficult. You reach equilibrium and float eventually but for muscular people with little body fat that equilibrium can be several feet below the surface of the water.
I float below the surface. Swimming is a huge energy sucking thing for me and forget about the “treading water” myth.
To me, one of the absolute saddest statistics is that over 70% of blacks don’t know how to swim.
In Baltimore, several times a year you hear of someone falling into the harbor and dying.
Don’t need to see the picture to know the story. Fall in, give up immediately, die.
You’re “fat shaming,” shame on you.
Im white and could never float on my back when I was younger. Main reason for that was my thighs were 29-30 around and extremely muscular; so much so that I could leg press 1,600#.