I had a little black and white screened Nokia candy bar phone in the '00's that was great. I think I paid $15 for it and it lasted for years.
I have a Facebook account and check a few interests of mine maybe once a week but never post. I don't even have a Twitter account.
I'm a retired expat living in Asia. I use Skype a few times a week to talk to family only. I use LINE a few times a day to talk to my wife while she is at work: not ten minutes a day. I have a good 2017 model Samsung which takes great pictures and I enjoy sharing those with friends but typically after I get home and upload them on my desktop. I use that desktop to check web sites like this and read articles I enjoy, but it's not my whole life.
I hardly ever take my phone out of my pocket when I am out or at home but it's there in case I need it. I see people walking around entranced by their phones but I'm not one of them. There is so much of life you are missing when you walk around with your head down. Liberate yourself.
I’m one of those stupid adults who Camera Hogg rants about. And proud of it! Never have posted a youtube. Never texted or tweeted or taken a selfie. Never used an ATM. Don’t post my life on FB. Can’t say I’ve missed a thing.