Me too, and have an AT&T fixed annual rate of $ 100 {tens cents per minute, and I use less than two hours per year}.
When I was in business and during the early years of cell phones, my monthly bill often exceeded 2-3 Thousand Dollars a month.
Today I may answer it 2-3 times a year, {but, I do check the very rare message that I get, since all of my friends know that I will not answer it}.
The one exception is when I am on a trip, I will check to see who is calling, and if I decide it is urgent, I will answer it.
I have friends with smart phones, and they are literal slaves to those things, checking baseball scores about games that no one gives a rats ass about.
Who cares about a third inning score in spring training? Or even in the endless, pointless 1,450+ regular season innings {per team}.
I used a flip phone for a long time and probably would never have purchased a smart phone, if I had been “smart”. My brother wanted to get me into the modern age and having purchased a state of the art smart phone, gave me his Samsung Galaxy 5 phone. One thing I can say, its far more complicated to use, far more expensive for what is really needed. Is it worth it? Probably NOT!