if it were true- every stroke victim would be given the treatment- and noone would suffer the consequences of a stroke- stroke damage would be a thing of the past
NOT TRUE! You haven't been around the drug and health care racket long enough. There are many cures and treatments out there that remain labeled quackery even with hundreds and thousands of cured patients. Hemp oil is one of them. Chelation therapy, DMSO, ultrasound for pain, Esiac tea, wild lettuce for pain, and many more. One that has intrigued me is the Esiac tea cure for cancer. Go to Youtube and watch the history of it. There is also many stories of hemp oil curing cancer and MS, along with about a half dozen other maladies. People have been getting Chelation treatments for decades since the 1940's. I've had a doctor give me an ultrasound treatment for pain in my arm and was immediately healed. Goggled it and it was found under quackery. No drug would help my bursitis and the treatment worked completely in 5 minutes. The truth is the drug companies don't want a cure unless they have it and can charge you mucho denero.
An old doctor of mine used to give kutapressin for shingles and other diseases. At the time it was a leftover for making B vitamins from pig livers. Now it's been patented as Nexavir. They won't mess with something that costs $10. It has to be $300 a bottle to even get a look. Watch the history of Esiac tea and see what they did to the woman that used it to cure thousands of womens breast cancer. If chelation works on heart disease, hundreds of billions will be lost for something that is cheap and safer than aspirin.
And that would be a God-sent blessing. Right? And is that not how medical science has progressed in the history of mankind?
Not all progress has been made inside a controlled lab. Don’t we all wish that strokes can be conquered as we would like to see cancer disappear from this world? Sometimes our scientists and physicians were just plain lucky in making some earth-shaking discoveries.