To: GoldenState_Rose
The Red Army bled white the Nazis. By the time of Overlord the Germany army was a shell of its former self. A memorial can recognize Soviet pilots without glorifying the Communist ideology. Not their fault their leadership was so awful.
3 posted on
03/29/2018 11:16:41 AM PDT by
To: C19fan
The Red Army bled white the Nazis. By the time of Overlord the Germany army was a shell of its former self. A memorial can recognize Soviet pilots without glorifying the Communist ideology. Not their fault their leadership was so awful. This sounds like an innocent enough account of what went down.
But it's not.
And Stalin started World War II with Hitler. It is legacy upon which to look with shame and sobriety. NOT glorification.
To: C19fan
Monuments to the Red Army don’t belong on American soil.
14 posted on
03/29/2018 11:35:35 AM PDT by
(You can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him. Robert Heinlein)
To: C19fan
North Caroline tears down Confederate symbols only to put up communist heros?
I’ll be damned if I support that!
Gawd Damned!!!
40 posted on
03/29/2018 12:35:27 PM PDT by
(" Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didnÂ’t.")
To: C19fan
The Russian people were not evil. Their overlords were evil. The Russian people were the
victims of communism.
The average Russian soldier was like all soldiers the world over. They just wanted to survive and go home to their families.
50 posted on
03/29/2018 2:54:39 PM PDT by
Governor Dinwiddie
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