DARK MONEY: 10 anonymous donors March For Our Lives is deliberately hiding.
Is anyone wondering how a group of high school students managed to pull off a huge, highly organized, multi-million dollar rally involving hundreds of thousands of people across the country, all in a matter of weeks?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Mark Kelly & the Gifford Foundation
Michael Bloomberg & Everytown for Gun Safety
Planned Parenthood
George Soros & Open Society Institute, the Tides Foundation, Womens March, Louis Farrakhan
Friends Committee of National Legislation
American Federation of Teachers
Jeri Rhodes & Greenpeace
Friends Committee on National Legislation
In the wake of the March For Our Lives rally Saturday, and with no legislative appetite for more gun control laws, Democrats in both the House and Senate have introduced a bill requiring background checks for purchasing bullets.
You do not have the right to bear bullets, said Congresswoman and former Democratic National Committee
Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz at a press conference Monday announcing the introduction of a bill that would require instant background checks to purchase ammunition.
The Ammunition Background Check Act was introduced by Wasserman Schultz in the House and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in the Senate. Like its name implies, it would require anyone looking to buy bullets to be subjected to background checks, similar to the one required to purchase a firearm in the first place.
Throw em all in the lion’s den.