Hmmmm...You’re right. Trump would be the man of the west. The wizard helping to restore his kingdom and destroy the dark lord would be Gandalf. So Q is Gandalf. And how could you give up on GoT? Inconcievable.
Just too much repetitive intrigue/incest/murder all the while trying to keep the various Kingdoms and threats in mind....Italian City-States vs Rome, writ large, or maybe Hundred Years War.
Needed to be in smaller bites, IMO. Spinning off stories like Daenerys by themselves would have helped it for me.
I understand the power of such immersive stories...maybe I seek resolution earlier? Fewer penultimates? Too much like real real resolution.
Marvel Universe presents the Heros in separate stories and while they make appearances in each others tales, you get a chance to concentrate on a character arc/plot line for a bit. I prefer Jessica Jones and Luke Cage to S.H.I.E.L.D vs Hydra, for example. And don’t get me started on how no one ever really, finally dies.
Maybe just age, by now....human history is repetitive; there are just so many plots (7, I think), humans are perfidious or heroic in a limited number of ways and the mythological archetypes are so similar from culture to culture... it starts to blur.
OTOH, the audience craves more of the same and GoT has that in spades, as does LoTR. Marvel, too, of course. Why they are so popular.
In the epics, cutting back and forth between ever-proliferating subplots breaks the spell for me.
Besides: we’re living inside an immersive tale right now in the real, aren’t we? I, for one, am ready for a denouement.