Libertarians have a problem with just about all federal spending, which is why I am not a libertarian. That said, how much military spending is enough? It is not just libertarians who believe that we could probably substantially reduce military spending if we did not have military bases in 130 countries (?) and a whole host of undeclared, unconstitutional wars. We have that military presence in part to prop up the globalism that you blame on libertarians.
But you claim that libertarians, who have ZERO influence in fedgov, are pulling the R party away from nationalism? The Dems and GOPe are the ones fighting Trump, and they are not libertarian.
On the other hand, libertarians do provide crucial leadership in the Freedom caucus against the swamp. Or would you rather have more spending and globalism?
Not every Libertarian is an atheist, it's just that everyone of them that I have met is an athiest.