OK! As soon as the Omnibus was done, the gates are opened!
>Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 03/23/18 (Fri) 10:09:37 No.460
Updated Tripcode.
>Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 03/23/18 (Fri) 10:14:06 No.461
Clock activated.
Not sure about this guy, but he doesn’t contradict Q.
Reference to Stage 5 :
ALLIANCE INSIDER: “Stage 5 Will Start by This Weekend”
Yeah, I’m livin’ at reddit today, too much [justified] wrist-slashing here. Looks like this weekend will be big, I’m tracking Gitmo flight and... just kinda waitin’.
The last interesting post made by Q was the one about Hitler.
Thanks for the YT link.
After the disappointment of Trump signing the Socialist Spending Bill, that YT video was encouraging...IF IT’S True.
IIRC, in competition sometimes they use a clock and a move must be made before the alarm sounds.
Maybe 5:5 means "check"?
Yeah okay, the guy had me up to the Reptilian crap. Seriously?