“That story proved to me that the new generation of females are hunting for a provider, not necessarily a mate... “
Yep, sounds common. My boys are doing really good financially, easily top 1% (after all, we didn’t send them to public schools), so I’ve told them the same - although went further and told them to simply RULE OUT any woman born in the US, or Western Europe, it’s simply too risky. And, in a way, it’s not even the fault of the women, but of the environment. In traditional parts of the world, divorce is looked at as a failure of the woman to please her man (rightly or wrongly), while in the West divorce is looked at as a way to get free money. So even a girl with good intentions in the West is going to get TREMENDOUS PEER PRESSURE to dump the guy, every time a ‘rough spot’ in their marriage hits. It’s very, very, hard to keep holding out...and many, maybe most, don’t.
You'd think the feminists would notice this trend...