Great link. Thanks. I see a connection between the advent of radio and the political events subsequent.
As ideology, then, nationalism supports this present world order against others. Nationalism is not a particularism, but inherently global, a universalism. The collective claims of nations relate to a global order. Most theory of the ethics of nationalism simply takes the world order as given. This applies more generally as well. For instance, in speaking of Geslechtsdifferenz:
Keine andere Differenz ist für das gesellschaftliche Schicksal einer Person von entscheiderer ...Bedeutung als die Geschlechtszugehörigkeit, keine andere Differenz trennt Menschen nachhaltiger, definitiver als diese. [3]These words appeared in German, in the Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, published in Germany. In other words, nations are so omnipresent, that they are not even noticed. This failure to question the world order, in turn contributes to its stability.