The way it stacks up: Turnbull (Aussie P.M.) had a hoorible political problem with the 2000-5000 Syrian “refugees” in their jails, that NOBODY WOULD TAKE.
Obama agreed to take them in return for:
>>Substantial cash contributions to CF (and other undisclosed “charities”?)
>>Strategic cooperation with Zero’s spook allies to destroy political opponents (like the set-up of Trump.)
I wonder if President Trump has gotten back to Turnbull and asked: “Exactly WHOM DID OBAMA DEMAND YOU GIVE MONEY TO?”
The way it stacks up: Turnbull (Aussie P.M.) had a hoorible political problem with the 2000-5000 Syrian refugees in their jails, that NOBODY WOULD TAKE.
Obama agreed to take them in return for:
>>Substantial cash contributions to CF (and other undisclosed charities?)
>>Strategic cooperation with Zeros spook allies to destroy political opponents (like the set-up of Trump.)
I wonder if President Trump has gotten back to Turnbull and asked: Exactly WHOM DID OBAMA DEMAND YOU GIVE MONEY TO?
Well, good point. It seems the Clinton family is now personally responsible for housing and caring for the needs of those refugees.