Social Environment Ranking:
1. Alaska
2. Montana
3. North Dakota
4. Minnesota
5. Wisconsin
6. Utah
7. New Hampshire
8. Maine
9. Oklahoma
10. Iowa
Diversity is our strength
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
We were driving from Arkansas into Oklahoma the other day. The sign at the state line says: “Oklahoma! Discover the excellence!” My wife read the sign and said, “Good luck.” For the first few miles, until you get to the thriving metropolis of Roland, the road is new headed West but then it turns into a series of endless WHAM! bumps. You aren’t permitted to drive in the left lane where the better pavement is sometimes since some lame brain state legislator made that against the law too. I can’t imagine pulling a travel trailer across these roads.
Social Environment? What does that mean?