My advice here is that after eight years of one sided liberalism dictated by a guy who didnt care a whit about any of our beliefs here and in fact ridiculed them, we want a bit of a reckoning. In fact, I believe that too.
So along comes Q and we all want to believe. Some here talk about the tin foil hat and get humiliated. I refuse, since then Ive become like the Democrats and liberals with their hate for us. Sure there are trolls who want to get under your skin and drive you nuts. It is clearly their intent. Do what you will, but I believe ignoring them is worse than engaging them, since they get not reward for their edginess. As for Q....I want to believe, but after quidam, I just cant fully commit myself to jumping on board at this point. But I sure hope hes right.
Good post and I remember all that as I was here under another username. I do believe the difference between then and now is the fact we have a better understanding where the whole DC apparatus, including the media, is a rigged game.
It's like Sheriff Joe's investigation in to 0bama's life narrative found all kinds of discrepancies but the bottom line was who were you going to take the info to? Much the same Starr/quidam might have had the dirt but who was he going to take it to? The rigged system was not going to come down very hard on the Clintons, no matter what. The game was rigged from the outset.
Now I'm not saying the Q phenomenon will turn out correct but at least we have a President who is not a part of the rigged game in DC. It is highly possible this is the way he is communicating with us to let us know what is happening behind the scenes. There is a little reason to have some hope.
I've done a lot of thinking as to why this should give all conservatives hope but still keep a healthy amount of skepticism:
1. The theme of the information involves the massive corruption in our government and to prepare us for much worse.
2. The Socratic method is getting more and more Americans involved in figure these things out and preparing them to be awakened.
3. The third reason for optimism and this is a big one for conservatives and part of the theme has been about the restoration for our Constitutional Republic.
That's why I have a hard time with fellow conservatives coming here to disrupt and troll when this really hasn't played out completely. We don't know one way or another how this will turn out. So far, the themes and the awakenings have been very good.
Exposing corruption in government, awakening Americans, and moving towards the restoration of our Constitutional Republic should have conservatives here at least cautiously optimistic. So I have to ask what is it hurting these disrupters/trolls to see how this plays out? It's not going to hurt us either way and a plus with more Americans awaken.
Maybe the Socratic method re-channels brain waves for the brainwashed and shut-down over soporiphic MSM. There had to be an overarchin deep state in Socrates’ time, too, for him to cultivate this teaching/waking method.
And what is this?
Very good post. I have no objection to substantiated rejection of a point of view, interpretation, whatever. Who cares if the catalyst (Q) is a clever larp or an insider? Proof of the eating is in the pudding.
And if 0bama's fronting of digital BC doesn't set off your alarm bells, you are gullible or dim (not that there is anything wrong with either). Some massive hinky stuff been going on for generations. "Leaddr humans" are as depraved now as they have ever been. Read your history. Eat your Wheaties!
AMEN! Well put.