You mean citizenship, even giving them "legal residency" but not a pathway to citizenship is amnesty.
I guess, one is alright with making 1 million chain migrants citizens every year.
And even if that bill were to stop the majority of chain migration outside of the family, legally, it will take 10-17 years to rid our system of it.
People ragging on Ted will turn me back into a supporter of him. Hey, campaigns get dirty, feelings get hurt, he’s not perfect but he showed he’s human. On this issue, I think he is, in part at least, pandering to the hard right and his constituency to turn out the votes for the election. I bring up chain migration, Cruz has spoken on CM and says it needs to end. I’m not sure if he is realistic here.
I’m not an expert. So far, he’s largely been the only one totally against this bill so I don’t think it is that he is the only one who understands and Mike Lee, Rand Paul and others, Tom Cotton, just don’t grasp the situation. But I certainly don’t have this, “bitterness” towards him like some.