Forgiving law breaking is amnesty, though Cruz may not have offered a path to citizenship, he really can’t say he has not been for offering a forgiving of law breaking, amnesty.
I’d gladly and comfortably vote for him if he were the nominee. Whatever courts decide is what I”ll go with.
Still, we are not going to see a wall, more border security legislatively that is, per Cruz’s plan, the votes are not there. Nothing will be done.
Ted is fine, he’s not Mr. Constitution, Mr. Conservative, etc. his fan boys often portray him as; he’s not the other things his detractors say.
It was over for Nixon in 1960; saw how that worked out.
Ted’s got problems with me but if he is honest, he can overcome it.
The upcoming Senate race in Texas could be close.
I think a lot of what he does this day, is driven by his current campaign, pleasing his constituency but there really isn’t anything wrong with that.