I wonder if Quix will come back (allowed back?) once the true nature of UFO’s is revealed? I think the demon aspect of them is a likely possibility. Other, more mundane ones are probably our top secret stuff.
The last I heard from Quix he was posting on a board full of ex-freepers many of whom had been zotted. This was years ago.
He's willing to give some input through me, however. Feel free to ask him questions, through me. Or, you can dialogue with him about UFO's etc. at GOPBRIEFINGROOM.COM in the Alternate Realities forum. You might have to be a member there, to see that forum, however. They have him somewhat secluded there so he doesn't upset the main street people too much. LOL.
He considers the UFO critters to be fallen angels. He thinks Exo-Vaticana to be one of, if not the best books on the topic. It's a 600 page summary that's more exhaustively researched than anything else he's read on any topic.
Anyway--he's touched you thought of him and thanks you for the mention.