Some people just don’t know when their 15 minutes is up...................
Go for it traitor. Silly byotch.
Has it said what its position on the issues are?
I thought Bradley was a definite mental case.
Who has helped him to “recover”?
Who wants a different puppet than Cardin and why?
Sorry, I can't take this article seriously.
I imagine there is little chance of a Republican winning in MD so it would be fun to vote for Mysster Manning in the democrat primary. You would want to shower afterwards...
Ben Cardin’s opponent.
Maybe different sexual preferences, but they both have the same political orientation.
U.S. President Barack Obama commuted HER sentence to time served plus 120 days in the final days of his administration.
There is not a her. At best a wannabe woman. At worst a self mutilated (via criminal surgeons) twit (no A).
Campaign Slogan: “Vote for me or I’ll leak your personal info”.
Vote for him* in the Dem primary! Cross over and tie this freak around their necks.
Foxnews says that this represents a challenge for the Dems. I personally don’t see it. The incumbent will squash Manning like a bug. Without even trying.
The Democrats need another freak with power.
Will obaama stump for it?
Brad Manning is just some guy wearing lipstick...
1. Putting aside the transgender nonsense (see below), this, uh, person was convicted of leaking 700,000 classified documents. Why on Earth would the people of Maryland want this, uh, person to represent them?
2. Now, back to the transgender nonsense. Every single cell in this, uh, person’s body has both an X and a Y chromosome. Unless human biology has changed rather appreciatively in the 40 years since I had Biology in high school, that make this, uh, person a male. My Bio teacher was VERY specific in telling us that outward sexual cues were NOT what made a person a male or a female (and there were no other choices, BTW), but what their DNA said...and there was no room for argument or doubt. The mental problems that this, uh, person has make HIM unfit to hold public office, IMHO (not to mention the treasonous activities).
“Chelsea Manning officially files for U.S. Senate race...”
Hey vote for me...I promise to do to Maryland what I plan on doing to my wiener...Oh, and don’t forget, I am so mentally stable that I also tried to kill myself, while I was in prison for leaking classified Intel...And I had to be restricted from being around firearms while on active duty...But yeah, I’ll be really good for Maryland.
“I swear, I’m not a dumpster fire crashing into a train wreck...I’m stable, no, really, I’m stable and don’t call me Bradley dammit.”
Bradley/Chelsea, just go away freak show...
This Manning character has been neutered so the proper personal pronoun to describe Manning is: it!
This Manning character has been neutered so the proper personal pronoun to describe Manning is: it!
One would have to have no intelligence or be brain dead to vote for a mental and physically ill It like this for ANYTHING, let alone a government official. Gack!
Great - months of news items and pictures of the eunuch in the news now. You would think it would just slink away into some dark corner after the treason and prison episodes and play with it’s friends. A pox on the Dems who work so hard to make freaks more popular than normal, sane people.