Narcissists and enablers view the compassion in others as a weakness in which they seek to take manipulate to get their own way.
This eventually creates compassion fatigue or a resistance to being manipulated by others. An adult person grows to a higher level of compassion where they confront the manipulator with Love rather than anger.
Political correctness is just a simple tool used to solicit compassion from others in order to manipulate them.
Just as a two year old throws a temper tantrum to manipulate us, their parent into accommodating their whims, narcissists will throw a temper tantrum to manipulate us to accommodating them.
A healthy parent, or person who understands the process and does not give in, will facilitate the two year old in learning to deal with disappointment, a stage necessary in the development of the human soul.
We guide them through the stage by facilitating disappointment rather than accommodating and enabling unhealthy behavior.
My ex-wife left me after she said, “You became teflon coated when it comes to guilt.” She couldn’t manipulate me any more!!! Snowflakes have found out the same thing.
Well said.
Not having any more of the guilt tripping.