Posted on 12/18/2017 5:06:07 AM PST by simpson96
Female politicians are used to finding themselves in rooms full of men.
But on Friday, two of the nations most prominent political women got the chance to address 10,000 girls.
Hillary Clinton and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) shared their experiences and offered advice to the young women in middle and high school at the annual Girls Build L.A. leadership summit in downtown Los Angeles.
Girls Build is a program of the nonprofit L.A. Promise Fund, which aims to help students throughout L.A. County reach academic, personal and professional success. Both Harris and Clinton encouraged the young women to find issues they are passionate about and be active in changing what they dont like about the world. But they had some more specific advice, too:
1. Be more prepared than everyone else
Its hard being the only woman in the room, and Ive had that experience lots of times. So thats why youve got to be really prepared. You have to understand what it is youre there for, Clinton said. You go in as well- or better-prepared than anyone else and then you have to be able to read people and talk about why they each should support your position.
Clinton said men have often taken credit for her ideas in the mostly male settings shes been in.
You will present an idea and nobody will pay attention to it, and then a little later a man will say the same thing and everybody will say its a great idea, she said.
Shes diplomatic, she said, but she doesnt let that stand. She claims the credit she deserves.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
That never, ever happens to men. [eyeroll]
Have women STOPPED speaking up since, say, the turn of the century, especially via social media etc.?
Remember that Bill Bixby Incredible Hulk episode where a dainty young blonde girl had been brainwashed by some evil people that she was incapable of walking and therefore needed a wheelchair? It took Bixby hulking out and nearly drowning in quicksand to convince her she was perfectly healthy.
The Democrat/Hillary/Harris Speak Up nonsense is doubly insidious because a) it’s a lie and b) it’s the usual attempt to get otherwise normal (?) people to look in the mirror and convince themselves they are victims.
In fact, most ‘empowerment’ nonsense is of the same variety.
Both Harris and Clinton encouraged the young women to find issues they are passionate about and be active in changing what they dont like about the world.IOW, create problems and then demand the imposition of solutions. Just like tyrants do.
Those two should produce films for Lifetime Television (aka The Women’s Channel). Lifetime is famous for showing movies that portray men in a bad light.
Only the boss in charge has the good idea. He or she better understand the nature of presentation, timing, and the selling of your good ideas. That is how it works. Get used to it. Particularly if you want to see your good ideas funded, sustained, and realized.
What if the person you’re speaking up against has a professional, taxpayer funded team, directed by his wife, who’s only job is to make sure you don’t speak up and you end up dead?
Hillary usually spends all her time denying she had any ideas about anything.
Did Hillary! discuss the tactics she used to intimidate, discredit and silence the women who were assaulted by her husband?
Stalinists lie. Always
Is she now taking credit for Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals???
Its hard being the only woman in the room
Said the Woman in Name Only (WINO).
That’s not what she told Kathy Shelton.
Bull$hit. Angry b!tch shrews like lizzy warden manage to get everyone to listen to them.
Beebe Gallini spoke up with no knowledge of factory design, architecture, or application of rationale, and simply wants something "fun and dazzling".
At one point, she tells Mike she wants her factory to have a flip-top roof that opens like a compact. Or maybe fluffy, she muses, like a powder puff. Then she decides that no, maybe it should be tall, like a lipstick.
One of these women enabled a sexual predator. And the other refused to investigate/prosecute them.
Perfect poster girls for the left.
LA Times is still quoting proven-liar Hillary? Why are they still quoting her?
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