"Stargate Origins tells the story of a young Catherine, the founding matriarch of the Stargate program...Stargate Origins tells her story as a young woman, as Catherine embarks on an unexpected adventure to unlock the mystery of what lies beyond the Stargate in order to save Earth from unimaginable darkness.
For the same reason SGU was a total failure. After a 16 hour shift of people literally throwing shit at me and someone trying to stab me or beat me with club covered in Harley Quinn inspired designs and an hour drive home on icy roads the last thing I want to see is some feminist superhero battling space racists while having an affair with her lesbian giant protozoa sidekick.
I dont want "dark", thats real life. I dont want "drama", thats some other idiots real life that Ive been trying to avoid. I sure as hell dont need leftist propaganda swirled in on top of all that. Thats exactly what we are going to get if any of the team from the last one are involved in this one.
Sure, I can suspend disbelief for a good story. A story that comes out of the gate based on a whole lot of heavy shark jumping premises isnt going to be watched a second time. If I have to go to DU to get an encyclopedia of perverse behaviors and download a lexicon of sjw causes, Im not going to get through the first episode.
Bright adventure where the good guys win. Thats what Im looking for. A bit of dry humor, no sophmoric stupidity. Attractions between characters can be fun, no "relationships". No space racism, intergalactic anti-capitalism, or any other liberal nonsense. I just want to see good guys meeting new and interesting species and blowing them up in exciting ways with cool technology.
Simple, shallow, and formulaic? Yes, pointless escapism. This type of entertainment is exactly the place for something like that, there is already plenty of "dark" "drama" in real life.
That is well written.
Hear, hear!
Wow, well stated for sure, thanks!