This darn primary is now 12 weeks out. Time to take sides and see who fades (or Flakes).
I have already gotten three different pollster calls — dang a lot of fishing going on.
Referencing your post from a few days back.
Although not swimmin' in AZ waters (thus getting the pollster calls you presently are) I'm pretty dang sure I'm not the only one that's more than merely irritated by the artificiality of the "baits" that pollsters fling trying to see what gets nibbled at the most-est.
What about the real deal -- a "real worm", an actual minnow/sardine/anchovy of a swim-bait, instead of the plastic they hurl at people while pretending, and apparently attempting to lead we pan-fish into believing the plastic version is the real (political) "issue"?
It's no wonder so many have abandoned sorting out the fake from the real.
It's like a full-time job just to keep track of it all, while meanwhile, "back at the ranch", and out on the desert floors of ongoing life as it is, there seems always more immediately pressing concerns...
Let us know when you come to a firm conclusion. Im a Kelli Ward supporter at the Senatorial level and I think shes SOLID!
When Flake ran in the 2012 election I contributed to his campaign. Some Arizona FReeper (I cant remember who) warned me that Flake was a big phony and was merely pretending. Flake sure fooled me and the local FReeper had read him well. He turned out to be a member in good standing of the open-borders, globalist political coalition. I want Franks replacement to be as solid as Franks has been.