Absolutely no doubt conservatives have more kids
I live in maybe the most affluent conservative county in the country
Williamson in suburban Nashville
Historic Franklin is our hub community
92 percent non Latino white
Median income is 100,000
Median home is 400,000
Votes GOP 75% for Marsha Blackburn
211,000 folks with 90 churches and 80,000 members
83% of households have kids and are 88% two parents of man and wife
Households with kids average 2.8
People move here to be with us
The libtard minority is black or Yankee or Kali
Folks tend to look for victory on a huge scale. As if we dont win over a bunch of death worshipping, corrupt socialists that some how we are not winning. If you look at the things that matter, our families, our coreligionists, our philosophy, things are doing swimmingly well.