I know my daughter is hardwired to be a girl. I remember when she was 3 or four years old, she asked me to play with her and her toy dinosaurs. “Okay” I said, “let’s play the dinosaurs have a war”.
“No Daddy, the dinosaurs are going to have a wedding” she replied.
Thats adorable.
I was working for this Christian charity.
They would call staff meetings ever couple of weeks and the CEO would have a football analogy for whatever point he was trying to make.
One day an administrative assistant asked him why he always chose sports analogies instead of something women could relate too.
He said “well there’s nothing that women all relate to like men relate to sports.” And then he thought for a moment and said “Maybe weddings”. And I’m thinking that’s brilliant! Yeah what do women love more than weddings?
She said “NOOO!” And we died laughing. Because if not weddings then his first statement was correct.
LOL! Similar story, told to me for true by a wonderful neighborhood mother:
Daddy gave preschooler Emilia her brother’s trucks to play with. She put them in a circle and put little hats on them, Quickly escalating, she gave each one a name, and started matchmaking the girl trucks with the boy trucks.