“What about allegations of torture, abuse, and murder by the North Vietnamese Communists?”
When our POWs came home in 1973 and described being tortured, Fonda Bitch called them “hypocrites and liars”.
I was flying missions in Vietnam in 1972 when Fonda Bitch was riding that NVA antiaircraft gun. While there she broadcast over Radio Hanoi that those of us who followed orders and did our mission were “babykillers and war criminals”.
How Fonda Bitch has survived the last 45 years without getting popped is a mystery to me, except that
“Some people are alive only because it’s illegal to kill them”.
Fonda Bitch came to our city in 1992 for a book signing, I could have gone there and iced her right then, but what about my wife who was slowly dying of MS? Hear me God, I am speaking the truth!
I watch a special on TV years ago that talked about how that she visited Americans in a Vietnamese POW camp. The captured men secretly gave her small piece of paper with their SS#s written on it as a way to get word to their families that they were still alive.
The *itch gave the papers to the Viet Cong!!! She’s evil!