This is serious stuff. Wiretapping laws prohibit this taping. had a NJ Case in 1980’s where this made National News. Low man on totem pole went to jail.
This doesn’t make sense that the lawyer is just bringing this up now. Also under Attorney Client Priv. This is Prosecurial Misconduct. It is Felony wiretapping. It is a major civil rights violation. It also means the Prosecution and Sheriff are doing this on a daily basis and it is being covered up.
“....This doesn’t make sense that the lawyer is just bringing this up now....”
Well, the attorney didn’t know about it until the information was recently turned over among a massive amount of discovery material (most of which was likely worthless and served only to make ferreting out relevant material more difficult).
Read the story. Both lawyer and perp were notified call was being recorded before call took place.
Lawyer is doing everything he can to delay trial and to keep evidence from jury. One does not do that when one thinks he has chance at an acquittal.