Someone suggested clicking on the gear on the bottom of YouTube, and set the speed slow so you can watch the images and mute the sound.
I do know that my body clock seems to go faster than other people's. And I'm from the laid-back midwest! I was once transcribing a late 1700s/early 1800's music manuscript into the Mozart program to develop MIDI files. I can't play an instrument and that was the best I could do. A retired musicology professor offered to help me and I divied up the pages. But when she would present me with her pieces, which I'm SURE were the right way to do them, it drove me up a wall because I couldn't stand the slow speed. So all of my MIDI pieces went like a bat out of the appropriate place.
The land animal piece is slower, but the art piece is more my preferred speed. I have one more of these to post for now, then I'm going into an experimental mode that might force a slow down. I only know one grandfather and great grandfather through newspaper articles and National Archive pictures. GGF was brought to DC by Stanton to run the investigation of Lincoln's assassination and was a special judge advocate during the trial. Later on he put together the records for LoC. GF was a newspaperman who won and lost mining fortuntes from Alaska down to Central America. Lots of material there. So I want to try moving through newspaper articles to music and see what happens.
Henry Livingston Music Manuscript
The Duenna, from an 1807 Score