There was an opportunity last night. Either Democrats would have defended ANTIFA, forever associating them with extremists; or they would not have, making ANTIFA dog meat.
But ANTIFA had an ace up its sleeve. A handful of Republicans who actually are worse. I mean Romney basically said ANTIFA are good decent people. By doing this he gave them a life line. We already had McCain not missing a photo op with terrorists, and now Mitt is carrying their water.
This is what I was explaining to Jamestown1630. He seemed to think politicians don’t pay attention to what people do “in the streets”. I hear it is 1 person in the streets=100 letters=10,000 emails. Since GOP voters don’t do streets (or if they try the media either ignores them or relabels them “Nazis”) it becomes apparent why the GOP politicians have “no spine”. If we were to take to the streets regularly it would surely “stiffen their spine”.