Our people not being recalled tells me a deal has been struck with coupsters.
Considering the huge influence of hedge funds on ETF’s and the market (with said hedge funds paying huge amounts for inside information), I would suggest that the markets will tell us in advance of what is about to happen.
Buy the rumor....
Any serious attack requires moving mountains of supplies. I haven’t seen anything to indicate that much material has moved and it would be hard to keep it under wraps. That supply movement, or lack of it, is why Obama was never taken seriously. Words mean nothing, but moving the logistics speaks volumes and gets action. If you want a country at the negotiating table, you move twenty or thirty thousand tons of supplies into forward positions. You whistle up bombers and transports. A good bluff is one that isn’t a bluff at all. Where we would find out this is taking place is when Fat Boy suddenly doubles down on his threats and then makes an overture for negotiations. Haven’t seen that yet. (Of course, his sources, the Chinese and the Russians, might not have mentioned anything, as they really want him neutered as well.)
Better buy missile mfg stocks quick.
The markets look months down the road n what you see going on in the news was already figured in to the market months ago.
Old adage, buy when every one else is selling. Sell when everu one else is buying. Sounds simple but it’s really hard to do.