I would never say that any slave had it easy. Depending upon the nature of their owner, some led lives that were not entirely unpleasant, particularly house servants, but saying they had it easy is really misleading to the point of being wrong. But, more were comparatively well-treated than were severely abused and whipped, though, that’s a politically motivated exaggeration in the opposite direction. Indentured servants on the other hand were pretty much just throwaways, use and discard, churn and burn. They paid their transport in order to get their headrights which meant expanding their plantations. The indentured were to get part of those headrights as well but often did not.
That’s why I used the words ‘compared to’. I can’t imagine any slave had it “easy” per se. Some easier physically than others, yes, but certainly not easy.
I guess the point to be made is when certain black celebrities squawk about reparations; we can say the white slaves had it worse so howabout we call it a draw and forget about any reparations.
I’m glad to see AG Sessions going after Affirmative Action. I’m a victim of that racist law which is nothing more than reverse racism. If racism is bad then it’s bad both ways. It should have never been made into a law to push white guys like me off jobs so quotas could be met. Grrrr. I still get steamed when I think about the income lost because of that insidious law.