I have 2 GS a male and female, same litter and they are marked the same, the male is large and his hips are high and has short hair. His sister is large also, has long hair and her hips do slope slightly. she was fine from birth but around 2 years old her brother ran by and hit her hard, she went flying and yelped but after that she has a different gait when walking , running she has no noticeable changes. they get plenty of exercise and are fine and friendly, The Vet xrayed her from stem to stern and there is no visible damage. They are 10 in November and the best friends in the world and I tell them often. I’m 86 and I want them to have a long life but I pray I out live them so their life style never changes.
That girl up there is my best friend in the world too.
Better than any human I know, except perhaps for my mom.
My greatest concern is that I also outlive my Shepherd, because she adores me foe some reason that I cannot divine.
I will suffer her death, but I do not want to have her suffer mine.
Do you have dependable kids?
My Mother extracted a promise out of me before she died, that I would take care of her four footed boys and girls.
Mom knew I was a dog type of guy and knew I would take good care of them.
My vet took a look (full medical workup) at them and told all 3 that they had won the lottery, made me laugh.
Doctor Nickerson sees all of my boys and girls 4 times a year, and more often if there is any problem.
The local animal control has to keep adding names to our pack license.