Soon, Mueller et al will come out with some shocking revelations about Russia, obstruction, or something.
And he will be ridiculed along with the already-established fake media....
But I am curious to see what they try in light of (what we all know already) the approaching storm of DOJ,FBI, DNC, CIA, Hillary, NSA collusion conspiracy against Trump.
Of course it’s not the entire agency that’s rotten just individuals Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Podesta, Debbie W, and H!
It’s starting with “the FBI never asked to see the computers” as people are starting to throw co-conspirators under the bus.
Of course its not the entire agency thats rotten just individuals Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Podesta, Debbie W, and H!<<<
Errrrr?...go on..its a lil deeper then that!!