You like drugs? Which one is your poison?
How much progress has been made in the war on poverty?
922 years since the first crusade and we are STILL fighting Islam...or, rather, it is fighting us. And still no end in sight.
Many of the things exposed in this have been common knowledge to some of us for a long time.
Our government is not innocent in this.
looks really good but it’s unwatchable on my computer. I think whoever set up the commercial breaks must have been using LSD at the time.
We lost the War on Drugs when we followed (and merely “monitored”) the aircraft flying drugs in from Latin America. They should have been forced down.
If this approximately six hour program can be summed up it’s the three words that are constantly bandied about by interviewees to establish a narrative about the war on drugs: “irony,” “inadvertent,” and “backfired.”
1.) MKUltra causes the counter-cultural revolution.
2.) Nixon’s initiation of the war on drugs is a war on blacks and hippies.
3.) American paranoia about Soviet influence in our hemisphere leads to the Colombian/Mexican cartels
4.) CIA is responsible for the heroin and crack-cocaine ‘epidemic’ and other evils.
5.) 9/11 and the War on Terror is just a natural extension to the war on drugs.
Obviously, this is a special about drugs, but in attempting to envelop almost the entirety of 50 years of domestic and foreign policy as a ‘drug thing’ without a semblance of context the people who put this together stepped outside their wheelhouse and the whole thing looks ridiculous.
It comes off as flippant and Oliver Stone-like in its hand-waving dismissal of the national security, strategic, and domestic aims of the United States. They might as well come out and say the purpose of this program was to establish a foundation for the legalization of all drugs in the United States, absent any other suggestions made in the program.
Money quote: “Nothing expands the power of the State like a War”.
Will they explain why the left still don’t want a wall and California has a welcome sign at the state line?.