I see a lot of disagreement here but shortstop is usually full of awesome.
Stop it with the knee-jerk “I don’t agree with this article so he must be an asshole” reactions (which are getting way too common here..)
I can see A POINT, even if I don’t agree with it 100%. AND the main focus of the story should have been OMIGOD FIVE MONTHS THE DEMOCRATS OBSTRUCTED THIS VERY FIRST CABINET MEETING!!!!
(way more important)
Stop with the knee jerk worship of anything posted that consisted of nothing but a screaming bile laced hysteric rant at Trump instead.
Your guy lost the 2016 GOP primary. Instead of continuing with these sort of infantile daily temper tantrums at Trump, quit crying and get over it finally.
You lost, he won. You never going to “get Trump” so just grow up and get over it.