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The Daily Win / The Daily Battle, DAY 139
6/8/2017 | By Laz A. Mataz

Posted on 06/08/2017 5:09:00 AM PDT by Lazamataz

This is The (not so) Daily Win / SNOWY / The Daily Battle thread.

If you wish to be a Winner too, and if you can proudly proclaim, "Still Not Over Winning Yet," all you need do is let me know on this thread. Don't send me a Freepmail, I might miss it.
(Warning: All this winning can become highly addictive. If you feel you are becoming too addicted to winning, we urge you to seek help at the Twelve Step Recovery Program, Winners Anonymous)
The Internet Acronym 'SNOWY' stands for Still Not Over Winning Yet. Be SNOWY!

This thread will serve to record the "wins" that President Donald Trump achieves, and to acknowledge that we are still in the battle for the soul of our country. I will post the wins as they come, and post analysis and/or strategies to defeat his Globalist/Elitist enemies as we work together to think of them. Please contribute whatever you can to either column!


  1. President Trump To Sign ‘Buy American, Hire American’ Executive Orders (H1B Visas Finally Targeted)

  2. President Trump's Pentagon considers shooting down North Korea missile tests (an earlier post indicates we are, already).

  3. President Trump's Arrest Record So Far: 21,000 Illegals

  4. President Trump wins at the Supreme Court: It won't hear case challenging government's expedited removal of undocumented immigrants

  5. President Trump's illegal immigration crackdown causes Haitians to slow flow to border by 97%

  6. President Trump Tweets "The Fake Media (not Real Media) has gotten even worse since the election."

  7. President Trump's Rasmussen 'job approval rating' soars to 50%

  8. President Trump's military "MAY HAVE 'SABOTAGED KIM'S MISSILE LAUNCH'"

  9. President Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions has brought sweeping change to the Department of Justice.

  10. President Trump has caused immigration arrests to increase 32%, double for those with no criminal record

  11. President Trump's Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland declines to say whether the U.S. cyber-sabotaged North Korea’s failed missile launch, saying only that it was “a fizzle.”

  12. President Trump Orders The Return 4,000 Somali Migrants to Their Homeland

  13. President Trump Quietly Rolling Back Obama-Era Gun Controls

  14. President Trump States: Hillary Was 'Guilty of Every Charge'

  15. President Trump's Use of the Congressional Review Act Is a Legislative Milestone

  16. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Apex robotics firm plans hiring binge in upcoming expansion (275 jobs in North Carolina)

  17. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! New technology, jobs heading to McAllen (170 jobs in Texas)

  18. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Scout Boats expanding; Dorchester industry to create 370 jobs, invest $10.9 million (South Carolina)

  19. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Comcast creates 600 jobs in Broward County (Florida)

  20. President Trump's policies have caused consumer sentiment to beat estimates, hits 98

  21. President Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Illegal Aliens Who Re-Enter U.S. Illegally Will Be Charged With a Felony

  22. President Trump's NATO Chief: Allied Spending Up $10 Billion Because of Trump

  23. President Trump's Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt: 'regulatory assault is over'

  24. President Trump gives states power to cut off Planned Parenthood money

  25. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Metro Detroit companies plan to invest $7.3 million, create 105 jobs

  26. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Firearms maker SCCY brings 350 jobs, headquarters to Blount County (Tennessee)

  27. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Beijing-based manufacturer to build in Greenfield, create 441 jobs ($52,000/yr in Indiana)

  28. President Trump is moving quickly to build up nationwide deportation force

  29. President Trump Wins Huge Trade Concession from China.

  30. President Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions says 'The border is not open. Please don't come'

  31. President Trump picks pro-life conservative to lead HHS civil rights office

  32. President Trump's Justice Department to end ‘catch and release’ immigration policy

  33. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Walt Disney World hiring 1,000 workers

  34. President Trump;s Supreme Court Nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is sworn in as a SCOTUS Justice.

  35. President Trump is ‘single most honest politician’ ever

  36. President Trump Says Media Is Biased Against Him. Americans Are Starting to Agree

  37. President Trump aide, Steve Bannon, ‘Ain’t Going Anywhere’ Despite Negative Press

  38. President Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands

  39. President Trump's Policies Are Causing Jobs Numbers To Come in Higher Once Again.

  40. President Trump Orders Reporting Tool for H-1B Abuse

  41. President Trump's Appointee, Dr. Ben Carson, Finds Half TRILLION Dollars in Errors While Auditing Obama’s Housing Agency

  42. President Trump's leadership encouraged the Senate to vote 52-48 to repeal rule allowing filibusters against Supreme Court nominee, Neal Gorsuch.

  43. President Trump Ridicules ‘Horrible’ Susan Rice Interview with Andrea Mitchell

  44. President Trump's policies have caused U.S. weekly jobless claims to post largest drop in almost two years

  45. President Trump 'expects' four more Supreme Court picks in his term.

  46. President Trump's White House Is Getting Things Ready For A Second SCOTUS Vacancy

  47. President Trump meeting with China's President Xi fails to materialize into a showdown at Mar-a-Lago

  48. President Trump Against Syrian Regime while UN Security Council Dithers

  49. President Trump's actions in Syria recieve global acclaim.

  50. President Trump even receives kudos from DEMOCRATS for his Syrian actions.

  51. President Trump's UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, Gives Them Hell at the UN

  52. President Trump is so successful, even The Daily Beast has to concede his winning streak.

  53. President Trump Encourages a New EPA Bill That 'Prevents Regulation That Can't Be Justified' by Science

  54. President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is confirmed to the court.

  55. President Trump's Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, states that the US is organizing coalition to remove Assad

  56. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Hard Rock plans to create 3,000 jobs, invest $375M in Atlantic City property (New Jersey)

  57. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Bend Call Center Ibex to Hire 450 by Fall (Oregon)

  58. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Company to create 133 new jobs in Asheboro (North Carolina)

  59. President Trump IS CREATING JOBS! Star Snacks to create 115 jobs, invest $18 million in Macon-Bibb County (Georgia)

  60. President Trump gets 55 Senators to vote to proceed to Gorsuch Nomination (including 4 Democrats)

  61. President Trump tells banks he will give laws a 'haircut'

  62. President Trump creates a Trump effect: For first time since economic crisis, Americans positive about economy

  63. President Trump says: My tweet about Obama 'surveillance' is 'turning out to be true'

  64. President Trump donates 1st quarter salary to National Park Service

  65. President Trump Plans to Sign Repeal of Obama-Era Broadband Rules on Internet Privacy

  66. President Trump plans to change the law so that Computer programmers are no longer eligible for H-1B visas

  67. President Trump Trump administration warns companies on H-1B visas: Hire Americans over foreign guest workers

  68. President Trump Hints At ‘Very Dramatic’ Deal With Chinese President

  69. President Trump's Dept. of State is going back to Normal Refugee Admission Numbers

  70. President Trump's ICE Report Lists Cities Releasing Dangerous Criminal Illegal Aliens Back On The Streets

  71. President Trump praises 'bombshell' report on 'unmasking and the crooked scheme against us'

  72. President Trump approves expanded Pentagon warfighting authority

  73. President Trump sends letter to Vietnam President seeking closer ties

  74. President Trump's increased border enforcement catches more Than 100 Sex Offenders in Single Border Sector This Fiscal Year

  75. President Trump CREATES NEW JOBS! Lincoln County manufacturing company to add 250 to 400 jobs within the next year (Alabama)

  76. President Trump cancels sexual orientation questions on 2020 Census

  77. President Trump's ICE Raids Target Austin, Texas

  78. President Trump's Leadership Causes The Debt To Be Frozen at $19,808,747,000,000—For 15 Days

  79. President Trump Calls Out #NeverTrump Members of Congress

  80. President Trump names Sen. Mark Green as Secretary of Army

  81. President Trump fills important National Security Council with women.

  82. President Trump's administration appeals court ruling on revised travel ban

  83. President Trump's ICE Issues Report That Dumps Cold Water On A Favorite Defense Of Sanctuary Cities

  84. President Trump signs bills overturning Obama-era education regulations.

  85. President Trump signs order rolling back climate rules.

  86. President Trump Calls for Investigation into the Clintons’ Russian Ties

  87. President Trump's Temporary Travel Ban is joined by 13 States who also favor it.

  88. President Trump shuns Senilator John McCain, refusing to meet with him.

  89. President Trump's AG Sessions says he’ll punish sanctuaries, cities could lose billions of dollars

  90. President Trump is creating jobs! Mercer expects 280 new jobs (West Virginia)

  91. President Trump has stepped up law enforcement of companies and individuals who defraud the H1B foreign-worker import system.

  92. President Trump Finds 22 Islamist ‘Training Camps’ In America – Barack Obama Ignored Them

  93. President Trump's energy policy has caused U.S. ethanol exports to rise 26 percent

  94. President Trump Printed Out & Handed Merkel a NATO Invoice For $300 Billion... Interest Included!

  95. President Trump ordered drone strike that OBLITERATED an Al Qaeda terror tyrant, who killed US military personnel

  96. President Trump's voters only have a 3% 'regret rate'.

  97. President Trump's policies are resulting in JOBS. Gummy Bear Giant Haribo Is Going to Open Its First U.S. Factory

  98. President Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year, says the National Economics panel.

  99. President Trump's ICE is targeting 'sanctuary cities' with raids

  100. President Trump's actions are causing Iran to show restraint and to be less aggressive.

  101. President Trump got a one-day approval boost when I, Laz A. Mataz, got polled by Gallup.

  102. President Trump announced he will approve the Keystone pipeline.

  103. President Trump tells Time magazine, ‘I Can’t Be Doing so Badly, Because I’m President, and You’re Not’
  104. President Trump administration hosting first meeting of anti-ISIS coalition

  105. President Trump New Reuters/Ipsos poll has Trump's approval at 47%

  106. President Trump Tillerson: US to set up zones for refugees in fight against ISIS

  107. President Trump Lockheed CEO: Trump 'absolutely' contributed to F-35 savings

  108. President Trump US Current Account Deficit Beats By 8 Standard Deviations, Shrinks To Smallest In 18 Months

  109. President Trump "Hillary Clinton Sold 1/5th Of Our Uranium To Russia" Sean Spicer Slams Democrats

  110. President Trump's job approval rating up 4 points, near 50%

  111. President Trump's Secret Service Special Agent in Charge for the U.S. Secret Service’s Denver district office, Kerry O'Grady, who said she would not take a bullet for Trump, is fired.

  112. President Trump says Dems 'made up' allegations of Russia interference

  113. President Trump Tweets that George Soros Owes up to $6.7 billion in Deferred Taxes

  114. President Trump defunds 19 agencies in his 2017 budget proposal.

  115. President Trump Seeks Proposals For "Physically Imposing" 30ft "Aesthetically Pleasing" BORDER WALL

  116. President Trump causes G20 financial leaders acquiesce to U.S., drop free trade pledge.

  117. President Trump's deportation enforcement is causing Mexicans to flood into Canada to avoid deportation from the U.S.

  118. President Trump says Germany owes the US and Nato ‘vast sums of money’ ......

  119. President Trump's Administration Rolls Back Obama Protections On Student Loans

  120. President Trump says he will submit evidence of wiretapping to House committee 'very soon'

  121. President Trump REVERSED Major Obama Law allowing states to drug test Unemployment Benefit applicants.

  122. President Trump's Private Legal Team Weighing Case Against MSNBC and Reporter David Johnston

  123. President Trump's Press Secretary Claims GCHQ May Have Colluded With Obama To Spy During US Election

  124. President Trump sends Immigration judges headed to 12 U.S. cities to speed deportations

  125. President Trump repeals Fracking Rule, Unshackles Energy Industry

  126. President Trump's Secretary of State to investigate claims that U.S. taxpayer money is being used to back George Soros’ left-wing agenda.

  127. President Trump defunds 19 Agencies in Trump Budget proposal.

  128. President Trump's Budget Slashes DOL Funding 20 Percent

  129. President Trump's influence causes G20 financial leaders to acquiesce to U.S., drop free trade pledge

  130. President Trump Seeks Proposals For "Physically Imposing" 30ft "Aesthetically Pleasing" BORDER WALL

  131. President Trump Climate funding is ‘a waste of your money’

  132. President Trump's [March 15, 2017] Poll: President Trump's Approval Rating Is On The Rise

  133. President Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion in two months – Obama Increased it by $400 Billion

  134. President Trump calls tax document leak 'illegal,' calls Rachel Maddow a 'weird dude' (LOL!)

  135. President Trump's tax returns for 2005, released by Rachel Maddow, showed that citizen Donald Trump paid more than his fair share -- 25% -- and the release backfired hilariously on Maddow.

  136. President Trump will roll back the use of "climate change" as justification for policy changes.

  137. President Trump's Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, tells UN Human Rights Council to reform or US will leave.

  138. President Trump ups the United Nations proposed funding cut to FIFTY percent.

  139. President Trump has the Justice Department start Eminent Domain proceedings to acquire border land for the southern border Wall.

  140. President Trump has lended enough backbone to House Republicans to cause them to push back against national monuments designations, targeting the large swaths of ocean the Obama administration made off limits to fishing.

  141. President Trump's jobs plan may create better-paying jobs than we're used to.

  142. President Trump signs an Executive Order to reorganize and eliminate parts of a bloated Executive Branch.

  143. President Trump wants UN funds cut more than 50 percent.

  144. President Trump's nominee picked to run Medicare and Medicaid, Seema Verma, was confirmed by the Senate.

  145. President Trump is said to be gearing up for expanded Arctic oil exploration opportunities.

  146. President Trump is in intense negotiations with GOP conservatives to get ObamaCare replacement right.

  147. President Trump plans to hold a second rally in Nashville on March 15.

  148. President Trump's Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, asks for the resignation of 46 Obama-era US Attorneys.

  149. President Trump's focus on countering illegal immigration has caused a drop in illegal border crossings of 40% percent, in his first full month in office.

  150. President Trump's administration to deploy 50 judges to immigration detention facilities.

  151. President Trump publicly chastises Turtle McConnell that we will be getting Tax Reform done by August.

  152. President Trump's plan to invest in infrastructure spending is favored by a vast majority of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

  153. President Trump has so befuddled the opposition, that the Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez admitted that the party is suffering from both a crisis of relevance and a crisis of confidence.

  154. President Trump Opens ‘All Available’ Gulf Of Mexico Waters To Oil Drilling

  155. President Trump's strategic Tweets have spurred the House Intelligence Committee to hold first public hearing on Russia probe and subsequent spying on Trump, on March 20.

  156. President Trump hails new Exxon jobs plan (45,000 new jobs in Louisiana and Texas)

  157. President Trump's leadership has caused the Senate to overturn the Obama administration's regulatory land-use restriction

  158. President Trump's popularity surge is most noticable among minorities and Milennials.

  159. President Trump is now much more popular than the "news" media.

  160. President Trump's economic leadership has caused Samsung to start shifting manufacturing jobs from Mexico, and to plan a major US expansion.

  161. President Trump's economic focus has yielded an ADP employment surge, the largest in 6 years.

  162. President Trump's executive order halting the importation of refugees from six terror-exporting countries also includes a section requiring the government to publicly release information on crimes committed by foreign nationals, including honor killings of women.

  163. President Trump Directs White House Counsel to Find FISA Warrants

  164. President Trump will have his allegations that Trump Tower was wire-tapped by President Obama's administration investigated by Congress.

  165. President Trump's White House requests a Congressional probe on Executive Branch abuses under former President Obama.

  166. President Trump will release a new executive order on immigration Monday morning, temporarily suspending the refugee program and barring travel into the United States from certain terror-prone countries.

  167. President Trump's EPA will announce a change in automobile emissions standards next week, undoing a last minute effort by the Obama administration to lock in the rules through 2025.

  168. President Trump's Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, repealed the lead ammunition ban issued the day before Barack Obama left office.

  169. President Trump laid a careful trap and is taking the war to Obama, as detailed in a wonderful editorial by our own LS.

  170. President Trump's coattails extend out months after his election. Out of FOUR Democrat-state special elections, Democrats get ZERO of them. This was supposed to be a referendum on President Trump.... and it was!

  171. President Trump demands an investigation into PELOSI about Russia, and lying about Russian contacts.

  172. President Trump demands an investigation into SCHUMER about Russian contacts.

  173. President Trump's leadership and vision has caused US jobless claims to hit a 44-year low.

  174. President Trump's Housing and Urban Development nominee, Dr. Ben Carson, was confirmed by the Senate.

  175. President Trump's wonderful Joint Session of Congress speech resulted in the stock market roaring to new records.

  176. President Trump has no plans to fill 'unnecessary' appointed positions.

  177. President Trump stunned the media, who gave his speech (before the Joint Session of Congress) glowing reviews and positive headlines.

  178. President Trump's bitter enemy, NPR, was forced to concede that his speech was 'optimistic' as he called for 'renewal of the American Spirit."

  179. President Trump even managed to sway proud Communist Van Jones, who praised President Trump's performance and said detractors can no longer call him 'cartoonish.' Van Jones predicts Trump will win re-election in 2020.

  180. President Trump receives a 57% "very positive" review from the CNN/ORC poll, and this was before speech at the Joint Session of Congress.

  181. President Trump plans to cut the State Department budget by more than one-third.

  182. President Trump's Executive Order to eliminate two regulations for every one enacted will cause no increase in regulatory costs, says recent report.

  183. President Trump's nominee for Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, was confirmed by a large margin in the Senate. Ross was approved by a vote of 72-27.

  184. President Trump's Department of Justice dropped a lawsuit challenging voter ID laws in Texas.

  185. President Trump's direction has made it so that the Dakota Access pipeline is ready to deliver oil within weeks. It's kinda odd -- Obama couldn't accomplish this in YEARS.

  186. President Trump will not attend the White House Correspondent's Dinner, tweeting: ""I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!"

  187. President Trump will sign a measure as early as Tuesday aimed at rescinding a major Obama administration water regulation which choked business and private land use.

  188. President Trump accelerates into the division among Democrats, tweeting that the DNC Chairman's race was ‘Rigged’

  189. President Trump signs another Executive Order to reduce regulations across all Federal agencies.

  190. President Trump bans #FakeNews organizations (such as CNN, the New York Times, Politico, Buzzfeed, and the BBC) from attending a White House media briefing.

  191. President Trump's Pentagon loosens ROE (Rules of Engagement), removing fire/no fire decisions from bureaucrats and putting them in the hands of soldiers.

  192. President Trump orders "Request For Proposal" bids for contracts on actually building a southern-border security wall.

  193. President Trump had this said about him by the Dow Chemical CEO: 'This Is Probably the Most Pro-Business Administration Since the Founding Fathers'

  194. President Trump's Department of Homeland Security creates a new office to help the victims of illegal immigrant crime.

  195. President Trump cuts the Federal debt twelve billion dollars in his first month.

  196. President Trump's Administration to reverse Obama's transgender rule, release decision to the several states.

  197. President Trump indicted 214 rioters on Felony Rioting Charges for the riots on Inauguration Day.

  198. President Trump lends enough spine to Mitch McConnell to have him declare 'Winners Make Policy, Losers Go Home'.

  199. President Trump appoints LTGEN H.R. McMaster as national security adviser. McMaster is an unrepentant patriot.

  200. President Trump's former Republican enemies are slowly coming around, and getting on the Trump Train! (well, some of them...)

  201. President Trump agrees to speak at the CPAC 2017 conference.

  202. President Trump's UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, BLASTS the UN at her first UN Press Conference.

  203. President Trump held a rally on 2/18/2017 and the attendance was a 'Jaw-Dropping, Massive “Miles Long” Crowd of Thousands".

  204. President Trump's Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly has signed sweeping new guidelines that empower federal authorities to more aggressively detain and deport illegal immigrants.

  205. President Trump's wife, Melania Trump, proudly and with great emotion, leads the Melbourne rally crowd in 'The Lord's Prayer'.

  206. President Trump's Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cleaning house at the State Department, most notably those on the 7th floor, who are management.

  207. President Trump nominee for the EPA, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, was confirmed by the Senate.

  208. President Trump: ‘Fake News Media’ Is ‘Enemy Of The American People’.
    (Laz: While I originally had mixed feelings about this, I don't know. See the editorial to follow.)

  209. President Trump delivered perhaps the best Press Conference in the history of the Republic, in which he eloquently explained his administration's direction, easily dismissed baseless charges, and called the 'news' media out for their numerous lies.

  210. President Trump's nominee for the National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, was cleared of all accusations of wrongdoing by the FBI.

  211. President Trump's law-enforcement agencies have made 1391 arrests on human trafficking charges as of 2/16/2017.

  212. President Trump plans to assign a trusted associate to lead a broad review of American intelligence agencies.

  213. President Trump signed H.J. Res. 41 that “blocks a misguided regulation from burdening American extraction companies.”

  214. President Trump signs repeal of Dodd Frank provision.

  215. President Trump's Homeland Security raids and arrests MS-13 gang members across Santa Cruz County

  216. President Trump's National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, resigns after it is found out he lied to the Vice President. Lying will not be tolerated!

  217. President Trump drops the defense of Obama-era guidelines on transgender students.

  218. President Trump removes an establishment NeoCon from consideration for heading up the State Department.

  219. President Trump, having faced an extra-judicial ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, now finds that the entire 9th Circuit will rehear the case -- possibly to reverse the bad decision.

  220. President Trump orders the House Oversight Committee to “Go After Everything”.

  221. President Trump's leadership radiated out to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who, in a rare act of courage, invoked Rule 19 against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, effectively gagging her for the rest of the debate about the Sessions appointment.

  222. President Trump reveals that 24 "Refugees" from the seven countries targeted by his Executive Order Travel Ban have been charged with terrorism.

  223. President Trump's right to control who immigrates to America is so cut-and-dried, that even the other Justices of the 9th Circuit Court plan to overturn the E.O. Immigration Halt decision.

  224. President Trump's nominee, Tom Price, was confirmed to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

  225. President Trump tweets "SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" in response to the extra-Judicial ruling by the 9th Circuit Court, who ruled in defiance of the clear language of the law and prior precedent, to overturn his Executive Order as regards a temporary immigration suspension from seven countries.

  226. President Trump's nominee for the Cabinet Position of United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, IS CONFIRMED!

  227. President Trump issued a list of 78 attacks, to which Trump says ‘very dishonest press’ gave short shrift.

  228. President Trump's nominee for the Cabinet Position of United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, clears the attempt to filibuster and stop his nomination procedurally.

  229. President Trump's nominee for the Cabinet position to lead the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, is confirmed by the Senate -- with Vice President Pence casting the tie-breaking vote!

  230. President Trump's support for a temporary travel ban while greater protections are put in place, is growing.

  231. President Trump's leadership influenced the Senate to overturn Obama's order that quite nearly shut down the American coal industry.

  232. President Trump kept his promise to target the so-called "Net Neutrality" scam.

  233. President Trump correctly predicted a Patriots win at the Super Bowl, replying to a Wall Street Journal Tweet ("The Falcons now have a 91.6% chance of winning the Super Bowl"), with "Where have I seen stats like that before???"... LOL

  234. President Trump tweeted out a criticism of a 'so-called' judge for 'ridiculous' restraining order on travel ban Executive Order.

  235. President Trump's actions spurred the Miami-Dade mayor into ordering jails to comply with Trump crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties.

  236. President Trump tweeted “Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!”

  237. President Trump offered to send forces to the breakaway Soviet Republic of Chicago to assist them in restoring order.

  238. President Trump signed Executive Order to begin “a great rebuilding of the Armed Services of the United States”.

  239. President Trump, after the riots and violence at UC Berkeley, warned them that unless free speech prevailed, they would lose Federal funding.

  240. President Trump's pro-business and anti-government leanings caused 5000 new manufacturing jobs to be created, while 10,000 government jobs were eliminated.

  241. President Trump FIRES a U.S. Border Patrol Chief (Mark Morgan), for endorsing and defending Obama's order to shield radical Muslims from deportation.

  242. President Trump FIRED a State Dept. Arms Control chief while still in the air, and was told to turn around and fly back. (WARNING: Link is a Democrat Underground location).

  243. President Trump pledged to start a major investigation into voter fraud in the 2016 election.

  244. President Trump stopped payment on Obama’s final hour giveaway of $221 million to the Palestinian Authority,

  245. President Trump FIRED two D.C.-based Secret Service managers, one of which was suspected of 'slow-walking' an investigation of a defiant agent based in Denver.

  246. President Trump issued an action that instructs the Secretary of Commerce to contact stakeholders to review the impact of Federal regulations on domestic manufacturing.

  247. President Trump issued an executive order to streamline environmental reviews of high-priority infrastructure projects.

  248. President Trump has had Rex Tillerson confirmed as Secretary of State.

  249. President Trump halted $181 billion in regulatory costs on first day in Office.

  250. President Trump has planned to meet with Japan to bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to America.

  251. President Trump abruptly halts all Obamacare advertisements.

  252. President Trump expressed support for the March For Life, saying "The #MarchForLife is so important. To all of you marching -— you have my full support!”"

  253. President Trump nominated a well-written and spoken Originalist (Neil Gorsuch) to the Supreme Court of the United States.

  254. President Trump's Administration actually uses the term "Radical Islam" -- a departure from Obama, who never used the term.

  255. President Trump signed an Executive order in which Homeland Security will publish a weekly list of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens

  256. President Trump imposed an immediate gag order on the Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Department of Agriculture.

  257. President Trump plans to cut the Environmental Protection Agency Federal employee count in HALF.

  258. President Trump appointed Marine Corps Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis for Secretary of Defense.

  259. President Trump FIRED Acting Attorney General (Sally Q. Yates) after she defiantly refused to enforce his immigration executive order.

  260. President Trump FIRED Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director (Daniel Ragsdale) for insubordination.

  261. President Trump announced a Federal agency hiring freeze.

  262. President Trump said that persecuted Christians be given priority when it comes to applying for refugee status in the United States.

  263. President Trump announced his intention to withdraw From Climate & Environmental Accords, as well as cutting UN Funding by 40%.

  264. President Trump issued an Executive order banning funding to pro-abortion groups overseas.

  265. President Trump worked with the House (who complied) to permanently ban taxpayer funding of abortions.

  266. President Trump announced a ban on visas from dangerous Muslim-majority countries with inadequate screening.

  267. President Trump fired the State Department’s entire senior management team.

  268. President Trump issued Executive Orders to proceed on the long-stalled Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines.

  269. President Trump announced the end of “Sanctuary cities” and the defunding of federal funds for any city that chooses to continue breaking the law.

  270. President Trump ordered agencies to halt regulations until the rule is reviewed and approved by the new president's appointed agency head.

  271. President Trump issued an Executive order starting the construction of the border wall, and to strengthen immigration enforcement.

  272. President Trump returned the bust of Winston Churchill to the Oval Office.

  273. President Trump signed an Executive order withdrawing America from the widely-criticized Trans-Pacific-Partnership trade treaty.

  274. President Trump issued an Executive order to “ease the burden of Obamacare”. He did so within hours of being sworn in.

  275. President Trump erased all mentions on the White House web site of “climate change” and "LGBT rights." He did that within one hour of taking the oath of office.

  276. President Trump planned to dissolve 'Net Neutrality' (Trump transition team appointments indicate a bid to dismantle net neutrality).

  277. President Trump took it to the media (Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘ __ing firing squad’).

  278. President Trump withdrew the U.S. From Climate & Environmental Accords, and cut funding to the UN by 40% via Executive Order.


We always knew we would be facing extremely difficult odds 'draining the swamp', but it is shocking how deep the swamp is and how many forces are arrayed against President Trump. Consider:

  1. CNN, ABC, NBC, ABC, the NYT, the Washington Post (and similar publications) have descended to the level of total #FakeNews, simply making things up about Trump or exaggerating them entirely out of proportion.
  2. Elements of the intelligence community, presumably Obama employees and holdovers from the Bush era, are routinely committing major felonies leaking the most sensitive, most illegal SIGINT information that could possibly damage the President. The information could be entirely fabricated -- created from whole cloth -- and there is little to nothing the President can do to challenge it. Utterly unfair, possibly completely fabricated, but how does one defend oneself against anonymous people in the shadows passing unvetted information to a press that lies outright anyways?
  3. Many members of Congress and the Senate are Establishment Republicans, which is to say, aligned with Globalists. The entire Democrat party is made up of those same Globalists. They have started 'investigations' based on the accusations of anonymous sources in those intelligence communities passing this unvetted, possibly fabricated information. The Globalists hold a majority, when counted across party lines.
  4. These same individuals are launching investigations based upon matters that are absolutely overblown. The assertions are that Trumps team contacted Russian officials after the election. Yes, and so? It is entirely correct to do so, inasmuch as they were about to be dealing with those officials in mere weeks. They are also investigating (or planning to)obviously trivial matters, such as an off-hand and flippant remark by Kellyanne Conway, and will soon be going after others. The goal here is to strip Trump of his allies and aides.
  5. They are also slow-walking the approval of his other nominees, with the same goal of keeping Trump isolated and unable to instruct his agencies to act or respond.
  6. Employees of the various agencies, still owing their allegiance to Obama and even taking indirect instruction from him, are sabotaging every single effort of the President.

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To: null and void
I agree; to measure in beer cans would have been more precise. :)

21 posted on 06/08/2017 8:23:45 AM PDT by Daffynition ("The New PTSD: Post-Trump Stress Disorder" - The MLN didn't make Trump, so they can't break Trump.)
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To: Lazamataz

Laz, DJT’s winning so much sure is making a lot of work for you. Thanks for putting in the overtime.

22 posted on 06/08/2017 10:17:10 AM PDT by V K Lee (DJT: "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. ")
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To: Lazamataz

Thanks for your work!

23 posted on 06/09/2017 10:29:51 AM PDT by GonzoII ("If the new crime be, to believe in God, let us all be criminals" -Sheen)
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