Nearly 60 years of radical “feminism,” abortion on demand, no-fault divorce, denigration of men, masculinity, and fatherhood, mass drugging of boys with ADHD medicines, Federal and family laws & regulations that heavily favor women, false rape and sexual harassment claims made by women constantly.
And some ditz has the gall to whine about women not having children because of “childish” men?! Look in the mirror, *****, and see the one to blame.
Advice for American men: Don’t marry American women — 3.25 billion candidates in other parts of the world.
You touch on a growing movement of American men wanting to find women from other countries.
I heard they have websites for this specific purpose.
I hear that some American women are really critical of men who would do such a thing. Why go halfway around the world when you can find d a woman in your hometown, is what these women ask........
Of the couples I know in which both partners are still smiling 20+ years after getting married, many or most are American male + foreign female. Considering the low percentage of such marriages, I find that extraordinary.
A man who is considering marriage to anyone should understand that his real long-term marriage partner may turn out to be the family court judge who will rule his life after the divorce.
Hey, don’t generalize so! Not all American women are idiots or self-absorbed.
I would say something about conservative women on the site Although over the last few days I’ve seen quite a bit of whiny, feminazi behavior on here.
Worked out great for me so far.... 17 plus years