This is weed. The guy is totally addicted to weed. But . . . But . . We were told you couldn’t get addicted to weed. It’s destroyed is life.
Weed is fat soluble and stays in body fat for a month after last toke.
Watched many an Army career crash & burn from P-test that came up hot for weed.
You pays yo’ money and you takes yo’ choice.
This is weed. The guy is totally addicted to weed. But . . . But . . We were told you couldnt get addicted to weed. Its destroyed is life.
That horse has left the barn. Watch that live Cop TV show on A&E sometime. Practically every car they stop for doing something stupid has weed in it. No joke. Depressing our culture has become that debased.
I saw a documentary on drug use where a guy (whose girlfriend was about to give birth) knew he had to take a scheduled drug test the following day. He still smoked weed though...and predictably went back to prison for violating parole.
He was addicted.