A rescue operation at a PetSmart allowed a pit to attack one of my Cavalier spaniels as we walked to the back of the store to pick up a pre-ordered matt.
The Pit’s mouth enveloped my Cav’s head and started to rotate and jerk him around. The handler stupidly tried to unlock it’s jaws, which the vet later told me is a good way to lose one’s fingers. I jumped in, grabbed the Pit by the face and gouged my thumbs into its eyeballs.
It let got immediately and rolled back. If the handler hadn’t been there to restrain it at that point it may have tried to attack again, but it was not happy about my thumbs, so perhaps that was enough. There’s no way I could have grabbed it’s legs and pulled it away, so I’m glad I didn’t try. Perhaps after injuring it that might have worked, but thankfully I don’t know.
Later at the vet, I realized that my Cav’s head was all wet. My wife told me that the rescue people responded to the attack by spraying it with water bottles. Like that would have saved my dog’s life.
The Pit was put down. Yep. But it was dumbass of the group to have tried to “rescue it” in the first place. This particular group will NOT attempt to “rescue” a Pit again.
Thanks for the information. It could be useful one day. I also recall advice to jam your fist down the dog’s throat if he’s biting anywhere in that area.