If you’ve ever read “the millionaire next door” book , it says that married couples who stay married and both agree on saving , investing, and living below one’s means are the ones much more likely to end up being millionaires. Divorce in general is very costly. Also one spouse being a spender while the other is a saver is problematic, the spender will blow up all dreams of growing rich.
Very true, we discuss every purchase pro and con, need vs want, how it will improve our lives, and will what we can do with what we discard benefit some one else.
We tied every thing up in Trust funds, so the spend thrifts in the family didn’t have access.
When we downsized, much of the good furniture we didn’t need went to Alpha Omega House for Veterans. Clothing went to Salvation Army. Little was wasted. Even our boys benefited and their friends who helped us move. Both boys are driving older car/van that would have brought $200 as trade in’s, so we sold it to them for $1, actually $100, but that way they paid no taxes and they had reliable transportation for 5-7 yrs. We take good care of our transportation. We are at the point 1 vehicle will be all we need. So we will get a high end one that will last out our life time and then go to the one of the boys that needs it the most, probably the youngest, as he will have the youngest grand...she will be here in Sept.
When the house is paid off in 3 months that money goes into another annuity that will grow.
MND reads like a hateful diatribe...the guy dissed his own dad for being a hard working ethical man...the writer disses the vast majority of people as well...
nope...you got to be a "dealer"...you have to use other people's money and their work ethic for you to get ahead...
that is what I got from the book...