Don’t mix the Montgomery stuff with what Nunes has - Montgomery’s is from a couple of years (or more) back, while Nunes is talking about this past Nov. thru Jan. It seems doubtful that Nunes’ whistleblower is Montgomery.
That is a very good point. Things go at a “Trump Train pace” and we forget to check again on the timeline.
Klayman wrote the letter to the intelligence committee about Montgomery, but Nunes said it was during the transition.
I’ll interject a little.
Doesn’t matter that Nunes got it during the transition. As Chairman he is obliged to address it and if he delays, Freedom Watch will file a lawsuit making it public.
If Nunes is on the good-guy team, he will respond to Freedom Watch and if he needs matters to be kept under wraps, he will explain and ask Freedom Watch to hold off.
Klayman is a patriot. If there is a reasonable basis for holding off, he will not forge recklessly ahead.
It doesn’t matter that the Montgomery case was a couple of years before what is now in focus by Nunes.
The Montgomery case, in a nutshell, is about Clapper/Brennan illegally, feloniously spying on American citizens without warrants and not incidental to any other authorized investigation. These are the same actors, in all likelihood, who are at the center of the Nunes investigation.
Here’s the slammer. If Clapper/Brennan can be indicted, then Obama becomes a target. Obama is not immune.
The indictment of either or both of Clapper, Brennan and any others in their circle, can be used to out the truth and the whole matter can then be brought to a close.
Timelines and scopes of inquiries are important but not as important as the truth. I know that seems to ‘just sound good’ but murders and blackmail appear extant here and that’s where the truth can have great value to bring closure to victims of the past and to carry forward lessons learned into the future. It’s one thing to assassinate a terrorist, it’s another to murder a US person to cover up illegal surveillance, especially when such surveillance might be politically motivated.