Personally, I start from the point that Anthropogenic Global Warming is an invention of a liberal politician and not a scientist. AGW just happens to serve as an excuse for liberal politicians to do exactly what they want to do.
It also is a fact that strategic bombing against Germany was not all that effective in any other way than in reducing Germanys fuel supply. And therefore a political attack on the use of carbon fuels is quite similar to an effective bombing attack against the country.
This is a great, non-political, argument against climate “consensus,” showing the science to be a setup “argument to convince” while having nothing to do with science or truth. Very well done.
If leftists had any real appreciation for science, they would not deny that a pre-born baby is a human person nor that biological sex (in humans) is binary and fixed.
Echoing a lot of the comments above, DiCaprio will be believable if and when he decides to walk the walk.
Physicist Howard Hayden's one-letter disproof of global warming claims [pre-Climategate]Dear Administrator Jackson:
I write in regard to the Proposed Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act, Proposed Rule, 74 Fed. Reg. 18,886 (Apr. 24, 2009), the so-called "Endangerment Finding."
It has been often said that the "science is settled" on the issue of CO2 and climate. Let me put this claim to rest with a simple one-letter proof that it is false.
The letter is s, the one that changes model into models. If the science were settled, there would be precisely one model, and it would be in agreement with measurements.
Alternatively, one may ask which one of the twenty-some models settled the science so that all the rest could be discarded along with the research funds that have kept those models alive.
We can take this further. Not a single climate model predicted the current cooling phase. If the science were settled, the model (singular) would have predicted it.
(excerpted from Professor Hayden's letter to Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator Environmental Protection Agency. More at link.)
There is not a person on this planet who could convince me that human induced global warming is a greater threat than the natural cycling back into the cold ice age period. And we have to assume the cold is coming soon due to scientific analysis of the recent geological past.
If DiCaprio believed what he is pushing he would not have flown an eyebrow groomer in from half way around the world but would have "acted locally".
He didn't.
He is a fraud pushing a fraud and he knows it.
So you might want to put your respect and admiration somewhere else.