Thats the hive mind distracting you. Heres the video Twitter didnt want you to see. . . . . . . ALERT .. . . . . Lots of profanity!
By the way, I dont think Twitter or any other social media platform have evil intent. But apparently they think I do. Thats a big perceptual problem.
. . . . Scott Adams
For those who are curious . . . HIVE Mind
a notional entity consisting of a large number of people who share their knowledge or opinions with one another, regarded as producing either uncritical conformity or collective intelligence.
SA B not woke....
This is ABSOLUTELY right.
Twitter deliberately shuts down free speech when it’s from a conservative angle.
There is a whole class of Tweeps that routinely have to rebuild their presences because they are shut down, often, simply because liberals target them for complaints. Meanwhile, Sarah Silverman, Rosie, Cher, etc. say the most obscene things about their President and....crickets.
As many my know I use hashtag #RustyIrony for a lotta observations. This time for the biggest social media giants Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Yahoo etc. All these are the direct result of unfettered ideas and the wild west free market known as the internet. Unbridled capitalism as it most laissez-faire and they have become billionaire$ at very young age. Many of these most successful free market capitalists are liberals politically #GoFigure. So now after the triumph of their mega-capitalism, they now seem to seek to herd us into the anti-capitalist single mind of progressive thinking.
Often the “offense” is “hate speech”. The whole concept of hate speech is to censor, and any opposition (mostly to the Left) is quickly labeled such. #RustyIrony it appears only one side of the political spectrum is really being censored. I spose its basic human nature to want to control all one can, and if you have billion$ you control a LOT! So after using the biggest most uncensored free market platform in history... if someone says or writes something these mega-capitalists dont like, they go all authoritarian on us. As these are now private international corporations they have the right to censor but it seems a bit we got ours through the free market, but now it says things we dont like so you were going to unfree your market. #Hypocrite. Is President Trump next to be silenced?
That’s what I call the snowflake generation “the hive”. They are mostly brainwashed drones.