Oh dear Lord! YES, those creepy crawls by “the Family.” And their “garbage runs!” One day, during their trial, several friends and I drove down to the Courthouse to get a look of those “family members” who stood (sat) on the sidewalk daily keeping “vigil.” They had also shaved their heads, so they were easy to spot. Filthy creatures, dressed in what resembled shapeless, old lady smocks and well-worn sandals of some sort. U.G.L.Y. Of course, they were begging (demanding) donations and holding court ... answering questions posed by tourists.
Yes, 12 to a house made it cheap to live and we were clean. Different schedules and pursuits also made living very convenient and simple.
We only lived 3 girls to an apt in Brentwood, but it was always hoppin. Good times. Don’t think students could afford that hood now though!