I would refer you to SAMHSA.... the leading national governmental research organization on substance abuse...that publishes the latest evidence based research on treatment; yet cost the patient extra money.
below is a publication on opioid treatment..with medication assisted treatment.
The evidence based research now states that Buprenorphine tx (suboxonne) in a medically supervised program is the number one treatment for opioid use disorders. It is not considered that “abstinance” based treatment is effective in opioid use disorders. Of course, to handle all the other issues an addict faces , supportive interventions ( housing, 12 step programs, counseling) are helpful—albeit those who are on MAT —medically assisted therapy—very often do fine without other treatments, which are often not providing any additional benefit.
that is where I disagree with the source of this article.
The VA around the country now has substance abuse clinics who have Buprenorphine medically assisted clinics that are providng help and hope to many veterans. We need to get the word out.
Is this text a paraphrase? I can't find it in your 358-page link.
Thank you. This article refers to SAMHSA CSAT. I would refer you to Treatment Improvement Protocol 43 for the components of a proven effect MAT program. Also, I would refer you to The National Alliance of Advocates
for Buprenorphine Treatment chart in a Washington Dept of Education article (see figure 7) chart depicting buprenorphine plateauing in effectiveness at a 32 microgram dose http://depts.washington.edu/hivaids/spop/case2/discussion.html
For intermediate to heavy dependency methadone, a full agonist, is indicated.