Using your logic, any site that created after a date determined by you that publishes data dating back in time is promoting Commie Core because it's a new site. Using that logic, FreeRepublic must be a Commie Core site because it was hatched in 1998 therefore anything substantial that appears on it can't be of use because you say so. You've just proven what a complete idiot you are and should just be ignored because you just attack without any proof of what you're saying.
With all due respect, you seem a bit hung up on my focusing on the liberal media’s use of “snuck”, whereupon I already explained several times why.
I do suspect any website that started its existence under the Obama era, especially those purporting to be educational aids, and I look into their “About” sections. As for Merriam-Webster, they have been owned by the Encyclopedia Britannica since before I was born, and the owners seem to have a liberal bias. Comparing FR is an apples/oranges comparison, or whatever contrast one can think of to be stronger than that.
And as for your renewed ad hominem (unprovoked), Merry Christmas to you too.